The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)

Self-taught in my 3D practice,
I use projects to allow me to experiment and learn various sub-fields.
I chose this approach to enrich my technical knowledge using Blender software,
while developing my creative practice.

My journey began by exploring composition and textures with "Astronaut",
then rendering and lighting techniques with "Miata",
camera movement and mesh manipulation with "Versaille",
followed by sculpture based on Bézier curves with "Lys d'un jour".
"Gummy Statue" opened the door to experimentation
with scanning and animation, while "Pieds moches" introduced me to modelling.

With each project, I incorporate the knowledge
I've gained from previous projects, allowing me to master
the different parameters over time.
It's essential for me to familiarise myself in this way so that I never stop producing.

︎︎︎ see 3D & experiments

Film photography is at the heart of my creativity.
In fact, it's always been with me through the work of my grandfather,
who never went digital.
When he died, I got his camera and started shooting with it.
The philosophy of what film photography imposed on me was very appealing,
and I've been doing it ever since.

These days I do less photography, because of my studies,
but I've done a lot of projects based around my film photography,
including two courses and two exhibitions that I've curated and produced.
I'd like to share my work with you.

︎︎︎ see film photography

The innovations brought about by digital creation are central to my artistic thinking.
Here you will find a reflection of this creative fusion, where graphic design, 3D
and photography coexist harmoniously to awaken emotions,
arouse curiosity and tell captivating visual stories. 

Each project represents a part of me, a fragment of my soul dedicated to digital art,
and I hope that this dive into my universe inspires you as much as it has inspired me.

︎︎︎ see digital photography

I've always consumed a lot of cinema,
but in 2018 I'm being allowed to major in film at high school.
There I met people who were just as passionate as I was.
Since then I've taken part in a lot of film shoots, in a variety of roles.
It's this part between creation and technique that is presented here.

︎︎︎see cinema

My experiments have led me to create print creations,
including editorial objects and posters
using different techniques such as silkscreen and lynogravure.

︎︎︎ see prints