The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)

About me

I'm a passionate visual designer who loves exploring new ideas and experimenting with different media.

In my graphic research, I'm constantly on the lookout for new inspirations and styles. I strive to find designs that are both innovative and aesthetically pleasing, and that meet the needs of my clients. My work often involves using software such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to create original illustrations, graphics and layouts.

When it comes to experimenting with art, I'm always on the lookout for new materials and techniques to create unique and surprising designs. Whether it's using vibrant colours, interesting textures or stunning visual effects, I love experimenting to create designs that are out of the ordinary.

Finally, I've also worked in film and photography to create compelling visuals that tell a story. I've worked on projects such as short films and music videos, using a variety of techniques to create images that grab attention and convey a message.

My story

Having always been fascinated by the world of the arts and communication, it wasn't until 2019 that I started to pay attention to it for a future career, by enrolling on an audiovisual course. Although I've always captured the world around me in photographs, illustrations and videos, it was at this point that I began to wonder about the intentions behind these works. These reflections led me to develop my techniques, but above all to imagine and realise multiple projects.

It was the same year that I was able to exhibit my work for the first time at Rendez-vous Image Strasbourg 2019, alongside a number of photographers from Strasbourg.  This exhibition motivated me to continue in the direction of visual creation, and choose to do a DN_MADe.

After graduating from the Gymnase Jean Sturm with honours in Computer Science and Digital Science, in September 2020 I will be enrolling in the DN_MADe Graphic Design in Written and Visual Message Strategies at the Lycée le Corbusier in Illkirch.

Alongside my studies, I've been working on various projects on my own or as part of a group, including a number of short films in which I've held various positions, as well as personal projects. In 2022, I produced two exhibitions, Sehnsucht and Créateur.trice.s.

In September 2023, I'm enrolling at the École Estienne (ESAIG) in Paris, to do a Masters in Design and Digital Creations, which will enable me to develop around experimental work.

2012 / ADIAM (End of cycle 1 in classical guitar)

2017 / KMK (Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kulturministerkonferenz (B2))

2017 / Trainee at the TNS workshops, Mediathèque Malraux and Agence VO

2017 / Brevet des collèges summa cum laude

2018 / First aid certificate

2019 / Humanitarian trip to Madagascar

2019 / Photographer for Getty Image

2019 / Exhibitor for RDVImage

2020 / Scientific Baccalaureate SVT speciality ISN option Cinema Audiovisual

2020 / Photographer for the BOOM agency

2020 / Jury “César des lycéens”

2021 / Volunteer at FEFFS

2021 / Jury for the German festival Augenblick

2021 / Trainee at LABO1000

2021 / France Culture student jury

2022 / Volunteer at FEFFS

2022 / France Culture student jury

2022 / Exhibitor in the Sehnsucht series

2022 / Trainee at MADRI and Agence VO

2023 / Exhibitor in the Creators series

2023 / DNMADe Graphic Design