The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)

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year : 2023
technique : scann and 3D

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Lys d’un jour is a series of posters I made in August 2023.
During a walk, I came across this flower, in perfect bloom.
I wanted to capture this fleeting moment by scanning it.

The 3D scanning technique enabled me to capture every detail, every delicate fold of the petals. The soft contours and nuances of the flower are rendered with striking precision,
offering an almost tangible visual experience.
The three-dimensional digitisation process goes beyond simply representing a flower. It captures the fleeting moment
when the beauty of a lily is at its peak, freezing that precise moment in time. In this way, each poster becomes a testament to the fragility of life, a celebration of the ephemeral that, paradoxically, remains eternally present on the visual medium. The «Lys d’un Jour» series transcends the boundaries between traditional art and new technologies.

By incorporating 3D digitisation, it fuses the poetry of nature with the rigour of modern technology.